Hi, there! I’m Lexis.

I grew up in a family that loved good food. Whether it was a fun trip for ice cream on a hot summer evening or a cozy family-style dinner at my grandparent’s house in the winter, my happiest memories usually involved food.
And, though I didn’t do much of any actual cooking when I was young, I quickly learned the satisfaction of being in the kitchen when my husband, Max, and I got married in 2014. I discovered a certain joy and contentment that comes from taking raw ingredients and deftly transforming them into something delicious.
Making a treat that comforts someone after a long day, or elicits long-lost, tucked away memories, is, indeed, a special privilege.
And, that’s how my blog was born.
I’ve always loved to read, write, and take photographs. So when I realized that many people shy away from the kitchen because baking appears to be too difficult, or they just don’t have the time to learn, I decided to combine my interests. This blog is here to give you the confidence and inspiration to get back in the kitchen – and enjoy doing so!
Max helped me build this beautiful blog so that I can share with you all of my tips, tricks, and ideas. Plus, I always love learning from what you have to say, too.
I started cooking out of necessity. And now, I cook because I love it.
To me, nothing is more comforting than kneading a yeasty dough or smoothing buttercream on a cake. Mixing and beating ingredients together is cathartic. And, one of the most satisfying feelings is pulling a sweet confection out of the oven, while watching your loved ones’ eyes light up with joy.
I’m not done learning about food – not by a long shot. Truthfully, I never want to stop growing in knowledge and technique. So, thanks for tuning in to this wonderful adventure. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
A Few Fun Facts About Me
Besides blogging and baking, my other hobbies include biking, graphic art, exercising, and watching cooking TV shows.
When I’m not behind my desk, you can usually find me anywhere above the water. I love to find a hidden cliff or pier above a lake or ocean and just watch the waves roll in from the horizon.
In addition to managing and creating the content for my blog, I also work professionally as a photographer and copywriter — which I love! I’ve met so many fun individuals and have really enjoyed using my creative skills to help others. You can learn more about my work and services here.
I’m kind of #obsessed with Instagram. Connect with me here to see some behind-the-scenes stories and snippets of my everyday life.
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